Make a Donation »NOTE: The Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our federal employer identification number is: 31-1273007.
To make a monetary donation, you can give in the following ways:
- ONLINE: Make contributions here or click the "Make a Donation" button above.
- CHECK: Made payable to Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth
- GIFTS OF STOCK: Donating stock, securities and mutual fund shares is another way to help Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth. You will receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the donated securities.
Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth has an established brokerage account at LPL Financial that supports our programs. All gifts of stock must be transferred directly to the following account for the Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth:
- Name of the account: Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth
- Federal tax identification number: 31-1273007
- Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth Securities Transfer (DTC): 0075
- Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth account number at LPL Financial: 2123-0871
For more information on how to make a gift of stock to Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth, or to let us know that you are planning to or already have made a stock gift, please contact our Executive Director, Christina LaRosa, at 913-954-7160 or [email protected].
Mailing Address:2334 Boudinot Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45238
c/o Amy Roberto
We're also greatly helped by in-kind gifts. If there is something that you think Cincinnati Golden Gloves for Youth would benefit from having, please contact us by phone at 513-347-4719 or by email at [email protected].